Often I've sat about ruminating about what's really stopping me building a robot that was basically humanoid but would be able to beat up all the other robots in Robot War and start a robot army! Craig Charles would be stunned! As stunned as I was when I looked at Wikipedia and saw Robot Wars finished... FINISHED! ...in 2003! Unbeleivable! It was such a cornerstone of British television! And it was great in Arenas of Destruction where you could just build a robot that was a disc-shape, cover it in spikes, run it at everything and they would just flip onto their backs! #hax! Epic Game!
It seems my blog has picked up the attention of some POSER calling themselves "D" and they just throw slander at my last entry saying "niga pls". I just don't know where this leaves me!
Nothing beats a post-bath naked candle-whittling #fyi!
Also lost my 'naked in a changing room with other men' virginity this week. I mean obviously I wrapped a towel around my nethers, I'm not an exhibitionist like all those old men! They just don't care about anything anymore, and in a way I definately envy them that! Every time I'm with my good woman and see a huge fat man in the swimming pool in just speedo's I always turn to her and say "He's loving life! good for him!"
Speaking of speedo's: if you're in a sportingwear establishment, go up to them and put ur thumb over the "s", I won't spoil the surprise but it's definately worth the build-up!
I've decided to go clean shaven for the first time in a few weeks, it's a life change I think just suits my lifestyle more! What I have found out though is that when I shave I have to go over with the electric razor first then finish with a wet shave. I know now that doing a bad job at stage 1, then leaving stage 2, the wet shave, for a whole day, is not a good idea! Scratchy and uneven is how I'd describe it! Seriously considered rubbing my chin against people today to squeeze them for information, that is if I were torture-inclined!
Thinking back on it now though...Craig Charles wouldn't be stunned at a robot army. He'd have seen in coming, and I would simply impose him as the sort of Jesus-figure for the forces to rally behind. It would be glorious.
Have I a new foe in this mysterious "D" character? Find out next time...that he leaves disparaging comments!
Also next time, the next installment to the critically acclaimed series Big Daddy and Pissingham
He's describing how big the chances are of any robot defeating him in the arena!