Monday, 15 October 2012

Recently returned from being ill, having a birthday, and wearing very short shorts!

So as "Summer" disappears and Autumn rears its multi-coloured head, I cannot help but think back on some of the highlights of Summer 2012, like the rain in May, the showers in June, the storms in July, the pissing it down in August and the weatherly misery of September. But on the upside I have started a love affair with porridge for breakfast lately and that's rather made it all better! I especially like sultanas and brown sugar, but this week I experimented with some golden syrup, it was divine!

I've had a cracking 9 days off work, but am cautiously optimistic about going back in....15 minutes so this might be a bit of a short entry which is occasionally an excuse I have to make in the bedroom :( #lolza

I recently had my yearly birthday, too, which was rather good. Now I'm getting old, I feel like I have to make it my mission in life to fight the aging process, so me and some friends went out on the razzle-dazzle (for those people a bit less hip than us, that means out on the tiles) and we spent a glorious hour in a kareoke bar! I am more than partial to some kareoke, but when my song comes up and some JOKER has swapped Billy Joel's (not Backstreet Boys.... theiving wankers) Uptown Girl for Baby by someone called Jasper Bebo and I don't know how it goes, I had to go all Captain Kirk on their ass's and do a spoken word version of it! Need I say that it brought the house down?

Yesterday at the gym, before leaving I couldn't find my regular gymwear, so had to make do with my old school (and also it was very old-skool) PE stuff! Never have shorter shorts been worn, and let me tell you it felt great! I also tried out the sauna and steam room, and it wasn't at all suspect that as soon as I opened the door to the sauna the two ladies already inside immidiately stood up and left! #ladykiller

This picture is a more-or-less accurate representation of me working out!

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