Tuesday, 2 October 2012

That feeling when you realise you just missed the expiry date on your Tesco Clubcard voucher for £2 off when you spend £20 in store!

Feels bad when your last clubcard voucher has run out 2 days previously, heaven knows I've been saving it for a special occasion! Especially since the vodka won't be on offer forever, I just haven't been drinking my current bottle fast enough! #wellvexed!

It's never too early in the morning to light some candles and get all medieval up in this bitch! My companion found out if you waste enough time and melted wax you can make a decent rendition of a human eyeball! I, of course, remanded her for her wasteful nature and we had to throw it away in my bin, but it had no liner in it atm because things I've just got too much going on in my personal life to think about putting aside the time to reline it.

It's true what they say, they don't even have to try to have a good time! I know I'm re-referencing Carly Rae and Owlcity, but it really is a good song for the early morning! I'd defo put my hand up to indicate that I'm down for getting down! And haters better not claim I'm running out of ideas (or my bad grammar like starting a sentence with 'and' #cringe!)....long bracketed claus...refind the original sentence....READY! Right I was sayin' I'm not running out of ideas because I was going to write about the dream I had last night but I don't think it was very memorable!

So instead I'm going to write about some memorable dreams that have haunted my life throughout! But first I wanted to say hello to my readers in the USA, so HOWDY!, and also to my readers in Germany! GUTEN TAG!

I'm anxious to lure in more overseas bloggers to read my OC so I'm going to start bigging up some countries so I can raise the multi-cultural-appeal! I here that it works very well in New Zealand! :)

Anyway back to my dreams! I remember one that spooked me as a child growing up in Southern England (but for the purposes of my overseas readers I might have grown up in *insert name of your native country here* #includingyourselfisfun!). Okay I was in a big old house and I'd just stepped into the hall after saying goodbye to this lady with glasses who sat behind a desk. I still to this day don't know who she was, but I often think about her, and wonder how this framed picture of her appeared on my bedside table! Anyway suddenly this terrifying beast appeared! It had 6 (six) arms, four black that it walked on two held out in front of it like someone does when they're wandering around trying to look like a zombie and at the same time groping for a lightswich in the dark! And it had a cat's face but with a giant beak like that big bird on the telephone wire in the short film that comes on before Monsters Inc.! The scariest thing was that this dream was released years before Monsters Inc. was ever conceived, so maybe Pixar has hired some phychics to pick the brains of the young! Anyway so there were some bearded men downstairs plotting in some study (I know, epic foreshadowing of the problems in the 21st century!), If only the government started asking children about their dreams and stopped trying to be trendy and cool! So these plotters incredibly saved me from the bird-cat-beast by stuffing an entire pillow down it's throat!

That's all for now! To all my readers in Benin, goodbye!

OMG it looks a lot like my monster!!!!

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