Also a good friend of mine - 'good friend' is above work-friend but below besty - has gotten engaged today and I couldn't be happier for her! Obviously I'm a bit heartbroken as it means I'm the last girl in our lunchtime gang not to be engaged, but mainly it's gotten me to thinking where is my life going? Lately I've been rather excited about the prospect of moving out into a flat of my own but even more recently it's hit me that once I move out and settle down I'll have actually settled down.
I've never been interested in any particular career for myself. When I was younger I wanted to be a policeman and a teacher (not at the same time). Now my friend is a policeman and my sister is a teacher, and good for them but we're talking about me here.
I've already gone on in previous posts how I don't think one's professional should, or even does, define one. Recently I've thought I like to make things. That is really as specific as it gets. Whatever it is I'd like to make it. Simply creating something leaves me suitably pleased that I have done something. I didn't do well in education and although I've flirted with the idea of still going back and doing university I'm not convinced it's the right course for me.
If I move out and settle down now, as I am, I will end up a porper, never with enough disposable income to move onwards and upwards, simply to remain and stagnate on the current rung of the social/financial ladder.
As all my loyal readers will know I did try travelling a couple of years ago and it went pretty poorly. I behaved like a tourist and gave up as soon as the going got even slightly tough. I faced ridicule on my return. But anyway - I think I could give it another try. Although a fairly impulsive person, I'm also just as impulsive about giving up, so it's a bit swings and roundabouts (which is a massive shrug of a saying if ever there was one).
I have come to the conclusion that throughout life I've rarely been truly tested. I have fantastic parents and a great family. I have a solid group of friends. I live in a nice house. I have nothing to fear in my life, and very few worries. It takes the piss to say all these things have put me at a disadvantage, especially when you're aware of the hardships of one sort or another that lots of people go through on a daily basis that I can't even begin to imagine. But it has made me lazy and take everything for granted.
I need more of a plan in life than waiting for the next episode of Dragonball Z Abridged to come out (not to say that it's not great entertainment) and working me way through an infinite number of DVD box sets whilst I paint my wargaming miniatures, and fighting through thousands of zombies on my Xbox.
So basically the plan was to move out and find ways to make more money doing whatever it took (not like a male prostitute). I could solve mysteries, build furniture, paint pictures and perform covert surveillance. So basically my career would be to do whatever I want, in a time-frame that suits me, for huge sums of money! Are you thinking right now you wish you'd thought of this lifestyle? Well too late, I'm cornering the market on it.
Who wishes to hire me?