Sunday, 14 December 2014

Beard-Cat-Drinking-Bill Marilyn-Beth Hart-Dungeons and Dragons-Bad Teacher-Peter Serafinowizc-Facebook-Blog-Workfriends-Joe Bonamassa

Recently I was press-ganged into shaving a colleague's 12-year-old beard for charity, and I did an excellent, speedy and professional job. However now my own beard is starting to grow in bushiness and I wonder if perhaps I have subconsciously taken on some sort of beard-growing burden?

Oh hello, I'm the cat, I'm here to look pleased with myself and claw you in the leg.

Drinking alcopops alone most nights this week? Perhaps I have been. I'd like to also point out that I don't like beer or wine, and have run out of vodka, so what's a guy to do?

Now let me tell you about what started as my friend trying out his improv-comedy stand up show on the street but now has evolved into worldwide appreciation of a guy we like to know simply as 'Bill Marilyn' - the next big thing. His LP is amazing, it's called Pubey Kebab and he wrote it whilst living rough in Turkey 'finding himself'. The B-side to this single is called Bean Club and it's not some sort of Heinz super-weapon, it references a few of my friends who have semi-regular coffee mornings, where they discuss their regular semi's. I imagine. I've been invited but some of us don't have rich husbands who work in the day while we fanny about shopping and drinking a frappucino.

I'm listening to a song called Chocolate Jesus and i dont know what it's actually about :( But I do know Beth Hart got some mad vocal skills.

I went out Christmas shopping yesterday and spent about £100 on myself. I was in Dave's comics in Brighton and fancied myself a Dungeons and Dragons starter set (enquire below if you wish to join my quest) and said to my friend "I can get this as a reward if I find something for my brother in here!" and a nearby nerd was like toplel!
I don't really use the word 'nerd' as an insult. I am quite the nerd myself, although I dont hate the prequel star wars trilogy so i have some work to do. Also I never got into Star Trek (though I do enjoy the John Luc Picard remix on youtube).

Bought 'Bad Teacher' yesterday on Dvd. I used to own it but lost it. Or should i say I leant it to someone and they lost it - but the blame lies with me for putting some trust in another human being with my property. Anyway it's a quality film I would totally recommend it. Cammy D does a class performance and my fave bit it right at the end when she's talking with her friend Lynn in the last scene of the film and saying how she met some guy, (and we all know it's Jason Segal the school gym teacher) and Lynn is like 'oh knowing you he's a real gentleman' and Cameron Diaz turns to catch Jason's eye and he does a blatant vagina-licking mime in the school corridor. It's great lolz for all the family.

Also binge-watched the entire Peter Serafinowicz Show this afternoon, only about 6 episodes sadly and wasn't carried on for a 2nd season - massive shame as it's absolutely hysterical. His Terry Wogan sketches in the Christmas special are excellent, as are all the Brian Butterfield bits.

It's always a sad look at your own life when you say hi to someone on private message on Facebook cos you're like 'oh not spoken to them in a while!' and you say hi or whatever and it comes up with ur chat history and it's just a string oh 'hello's stretching back over about a year with no replies. Yes, some people are bastards! I mean all I want to do is be sociable but apparently I'm not even worth saying hello to! There're a few people this applies to, but one in particular I used to work with and it's so annoying when you see this person fairly often and you know they're a really nice, friendly person but then you want to arrange to meet up and catch up etc, nothing implied or anything more than a chat and a drink or whatever and it's like it's the hardest thing in the fucking world to pin them down to do anything on any date and then when the day comes along they just fuck up and say 'oh i forgot i am doing something already' and in brackets (because I'm a disorganised fuckwit or just wanted to string you along cos saying no to you a few days ago was waaaaay too much effort) i dont know which excuse would make me crosser.

I sometimes get asked if there's any sort of timetable/routine to these blogs. After I've finished spluttering with surprise I say no, no there isn't. Lately my posts have had a flagging viewing rates (as I've said all year) apart from the ones where I bare my heart and soul onto the screen like some sort of vomitting diarrhea attack.

Speaking of last year, at the work Christmas party I was cruelly cheated out of 1st place in the musical chairs. It'd been eating me up inside all year, so when this year's came along, I took no prisoners and was the proud winner of a £1 Christmas album. I was fighting back the tears - though not as well as I was fighting my colleagues away from the last chair!
Speaking of the term 'work-friend' i was chatting with my friend (well strictly speaking she is my work-friend) and I was saying -warning it gets pretty philosophical here - that you spend more time in a average week with your friends at work than you do with your regular friends so what's the whole down-playing of the term about? I love the people I work with and look forward to seeing nearly all of them every day.

Here's a nice picture of Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa for you all to enjoy, check out their music, like, now!

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