Wednesday, 26 November 2014

If you're going to be famous you should at least have the manners to not be a complete...literally cannot think of the words

I've got some jolly Irish tunes on at the moment but even so I am barely able to contain my rage. Well actually I am able because I'm an adult with control of my emotions HOWEVER I'm going to speak my mind about some things that generally cause me anguish and annoyance to say the least. My last popular blog was written whilst quite drunk and got some rave reviews so thanks for that. I realise I may have gone a big OTT (that's 'over the top') like some sort of emotional school-person (which I also did at school a bit too often) anyway!

Also reminds me I was writing a zombie story and had to think of some characters and I was like I'll make a guy called Bill who's a fireman. And Sam who was a vet...blah blah blah and I got to thinking - their character trait can't just start off as Fireman etc. Anyway that got me to thinking my job doesn't define me. So don't let it define you either. I mean don't let YOUR job define you, not mine. I mean don't let mine define you either. Just be yourself and be like when someone asks 'what do you do?' I'm like 'I live my life...MY WAY". Then the girl will leave and speak to someone who isn't such a try-hard.

Anyway what was I on about?

I was trawling through the detritus I keep witnessing on Facebook and have some stuff to complain about. What can I say, since the death of Dapperlaughs life feels so empty.

Even if you are an inbred (probably), moronic, climate-change-denying, homophobic scumbag, that does not give you the right to have your opinions (or facts as you falsely claim) listened to. Even if you are a hereditary peer who's name it isn't worth my remembering even though I only got cross about this less than half an hour ago! You've driven me to drinking alone, u monster! Even before I knew who you were you were driving me to alcoholism! You arse!
I mean it's bad enough that all the things I just said happen, but the fact that people actually go to see lectures performed by you, u bloody monkey! I mean it's like me going to see a pig talk about how not to get muddy by rolling around in the mud! I know! Pigs can't even talk! (That would be awesome)
I would also point out that the pig would probably be cleverer than this shit-peddler, LORD MONCKTON IS HIS NAME I REMEMBER NOW anyway but that wouldn't be that bad as pigs are well-known to be very clever animals. Though not clever enough, apparently, to learn how to not taste delicious.
Lord Monckton would probably taste like the shit bits of the pig that they make into McDonalds milkshakes. In fact I would find him less offensive if instead of talking he just sat over a bucket whilst a busty milk-maiden tried to extract milk from his teats. Why did she have to be busty? Oh I don't know, it's the usual done thing I thought? This sounds like another topic for an In-VEST-igation! Make a note. Who are you talking to? You of course! but I'm you! Get back to slating that bellend!

Yeah as I was saying this guy is more offensive than a steaming horse-turd! Apparently they don't actually smell that bad, and truth be told occasionally I'm driving through the countryside and you can smell it from ages away and I act all disgusted but secretly I'm like 'dat ain't bad' . Just a personal confession there, nothing really to do with Lord Monckton!

So I've compared him to horses, cows, pigs and monkeys. All excellent farmyard animals. I claim this as a point.

Anyway so back to what I was planning on talking about...Homphobia. As Christmas is just around the corner I got sidetracked thinking about Sanat Claus promoting gay rights with the caption saying 'Say No to Ho-Ho-Homophobia. Anyway -

So imagine this but I'm not all that homophobic myself. I even have some gay friends (COS I'M SO MODERN) no as if that's like some sort of thing to tick off, like ooh now all I need is a black friend and I'll have the whole set in my 'Be a really liberal guy' preparation kit.
Also I know that if you're smart enough to read this blog (you're probably a really good looking and cool person!) you already know how moronic things like homophobia or racism or sexism is.
OK imagine there's a man (or woman, this is the 21st century after all)

Wait are you suggesting there were no women before the 21st century?
I'm not a historian! Look it's not important!

Ok imagine there was a person called Sam...or Alex...or any name you like that could apply to both boys and girls. Anyway so this person grew up in a bubble and knows nothing about human interaction or prejudices etc. Then someone like this cock-fuck-stupid-wank-basket Lord Monckton comes alone and tried to explain why he hates homosexual people.
"It's unnatural!"
"But homosexuality occurs throughout all species of animals", replied the New Person.
"It's un-Christian!"
"What is Christianity?" asked New Person
"It's where a bunch of people all have an idea about why we're all here and how everything started and how to live their lives...broadly speaking"
"and this 'God' told you to love your neighbor, to judge not less you be judged, and gave you free will?" said the New Person.
"Well they won't be able to have children!"
"Oh, so they won't be able to have children and raise them in this country that you claim is already full up of immigrants?" replied the New Person (this point only really applied to Britain) "Also they can just adopt children, surely?"
"But then the children will be brought up gay too!"
"Why is this a problem? Imagine for a crazy minute that heterosexuality and homosexuality are both equally valid ways for a person to live. Every child should be given free reign to make their own decision - actually that's wrong because despite what many people believe, it's not a choice - not like your own prejudices that you choose to exercise. Everyone should be raised to believe that however they wish to live is up to them."

Then Lord Monckton wiped away a tear and was like that was beautiful, I will be a reformed man and stop being such an odious cretin.

Obviously that last bit was a joke (about Lord Monckton, not the whole raise kids to be themselves bit) as if you are ignorant enough to believe that you have any right to tell people how to live their lives, then you won't even pay attention to this, as you're clearly blind to the evidence of the real world - or it would have woken you out of your self-satisfied delirium years ago.

If you mindlessly hate people just for being different, then you'll always come across as a complete ass!

(Also, ass as in donkey, I've only gone and cleverly finished it with another farm animal)

Friday, 21 November 2014

Mystery, Intrigue and Romance - guaranteed

Big Daddy's In-Vest-igation - "Dear Big Daddy, recently I watched the documentary Megashark vs Giant Octopus and I'm wondering is the scene where the shark eats the aeroplane out of the air legit?

Natural History Museum - Ok so I went on my annual trip to the natural history museum. I like to go on a weekday as it means they'll be less screaming children about. I didn't factor into my plan that any day you go there seems to be a plethora of school trips with many screaming children, many of whom annoyed me by standing near me and overtly displaying their ignorance about stuff. A bunch of them were arguing about whether the spiders in a display were alive (a moment's looking showed they clearly weren't, but apparently it was worth having a loud argument about in my general vicinity).
Not that the ignorance on display was exclusively from the children. I was looking at one of the fossil remains of one of the large marine reptiles and a mother and her young child were walking by and I CLEARLY heard her say to him "they [the marine reptiles] are a type of dinosaur". I KNOW I COULDN'T BELEIVE IT EITHER!! I was shocked more rigid than the fossilised remains of the Ichtheosaurus I was perusing!
It's very clear she has never seen the BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs, where it makes it very clear that large marine reptiles are Completely Different from dinosaurs! It's about as accurate as saying 'a dog is a type of spaceship' or 'Kim Kardashian is a type of human being' (they'll be more Kim-bashing later, dont think I'm pulling out early).
This mother clearly hadn't paid any attention in the dinosaur exhibition where one of the first bits it is like 'DINOSAURS HAVE 4 LEGS' not 'A DINOSAUR IS BASICALLY ANYTHING OLD BUT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A CAT' Gosh it vexed me. I might have to call social services.
Other traumatic things happened, read on dear reader...
I also heard the almost unutterably vapid and moronic sentence "why is it so ugly? oh em gee let's get a selfie with it". Needless to say I almost vomitted with rage.

This led to me idly thinking up a superhero called Captain Darwin who could basically make idiots burst into flame with just the power of his glare. His powers may or may not be confined to the insides of museums and libraries.

Train Double-take - this story is less furious. I saw an attractive lady on the train today. I sort of half-looked up from my paper (that I took 2nd hand, I ain't payin' like a mug) and saw her across the cabin. Our eyes met for a split second before I thought 'hold on that story about Nigel Farage being an evasive moron looked compelling' and moved back to the paper - BUT before I had even got back to where I was reading I was like HOLD ON and threw the paper aside and rose to my feet dramatically, looking back her way. Anyway by this time she had left the carriage (and possibly called the police) and I was left, still single.

Kim Kardashian adoption - this is one of those annoying stories that's been pasted all over Facebook by moral-starved, low-life gossip-mongers. As usual the comments are as stupid as ever (see previous post for my opinion on comments in general) but anyway let me expliain. The link basically says 'Kim Kardashian offers to adopt a child from another country (as they're so in fashion these days - I mean they are THE accessory to be seen with when ur plastering ur photo-shopped arse all over the front page of some mag I've never heard of (which therefore puts into question it's real-life validity anyway)) and she said no!' 
So there are loads of comments saying 'Yeah good on her bruv!' and stuff to that effect. But if any of those neanderthals bothered to actually read the 'story' then they would find out that Kim never actually made an official offer and the reason the child gave for saying no wasn't because "Kim's a bit like school in July - NO CLASS" but that she would miss her friends/life in her home country. So it's not really worth lolling at Kim over it, it's more a "well...fair enough" kind of moment, which is about as enthralling as these stories actually get. 
The brutish mugs commenting were probably busy furiously masturbating over the ridiculous pictures of Kim naked on thexample of something that WAS worth researching as is much more interesting and relevant to life today). Anyway they got some of that clay and made her arse out of it then it hadn't dried. That was the point.
Also of note was the much more facinating way she manages not only to defy gravity by pouring the champage UP - yes, UP! - thene front of....I want to say Paper?...but is not worth the time to research this. Aside from her arse which looks, to me, like someone tried to make a weird caricature of Kim out of red clay - that they had left over from the terracotta army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang (a great  it curls round and goes into a glass balanced on her ludicrous backside! I hope this is a subtle hint to the low gravity on the comet that they recently landed on (out in space) and how the gravity would be much weaker on there. Again, not much research went into this theory. Maybe Kim loves science? We'll never know.
Anyway in response to the pictures of his wife acting like the intellectually-bankrupt moron she is, Kanye West did his trademark grumpy spoilt child look and...well i stopped caring at this point. He probably assaulted a pap or wrote some shite music.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

My Likes and Dislikes

Like how about when you reach the end of a road and want to turn left and the person before u is turning right. The end of the road is wide enough for both ur cars to fit side-by-side and you would have no trouble turning left - BUT - they've only gone and taken up the whole bloody end of the road. Oh don't worry I'm happy to wait while you eventually manage to get out, you utter knob-head. I hope you crash.

There's an example of one of my dislikes.

Now here's a twist, despite the title of this post, I have no intention of putting anything I like right now.
If you need to, take a minute to get over that bombshell.

I'm moving on, keep up!
So i have a semi-OK beard going on atm, and I want to get rid of it as I often do when it gets a bit bushy and tried to form an alliance with my chest/back hair, where it would become unstoppable. But I voiced my honourable intentions and the other human being I was talking to (whoever that was) said "Oh no! You have to keep it for Movember!" - Right? Despite the fact I'm not raising any money?
Basically what I'm saying is that the terrorists have already won.
Also another thing I saw on the news was that an airport have said they have the world's biggest "mo" (which incidentally yes I do think is a stupid shortened name for a moustache). Then the news showed the picture, which was essentially a giant white outline in the approximate of a moustache on one of the giant grass strips running alongside one of their runways. I am skeptical this really qualifies as a legitimate moustache. It is about as legit as me drawing, with a crayon, a bazonga-jillion pound note and claiming to be the richest man in the world. Obviously not the richest human being, as the Queen could always just print a bazonga-jillion and one pound note, but then she might get in trouble for using a picture of my face (which of course would adorn all notes of bazonga-jillion notes or higher) without my blessing.

I was in my car today thinking - always dangerous - but as i was letting my mind wander it was clear I was sitting behind some Sunday-driving, slow-moving, road-blocking anus-face of a driver. Seriously I went to and from Brighton today along beacon road (oh yes, Beacon Road I know it well, say all my readers in other countries). It's possible I've mentioned this before but it really grinds my gears when people drive at tortuously slow speeds along country roads that are National Speed Limit (60mph) at about 30mph. Morons! THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON anyway so both there and back I got stuck behind some arse that refused to push their precious motor to more than 35mph! I am like it's a good thing you're not in a hurry! Just remove your wing-mirrors and replace them with pictures of a massive queue of traffic snaking out behind you! (OK I stole that joke from somewhere - or recycled it, however you want to look at it!)

Anyway back to my original point I was thinking in my car today the term 'ripping the piss out of someone'...what a bloody horrible image! It doesn't really make any sort of sense either? But then again most terms that means making fun of someone don't make sense. For instance if someone takes the mickey out of me, do they gain a mickey? Where do I keep my mickey before they can take it? Will this Mickey need feeding or watering when I go out? So many questions that UKIP just arn't answering.

Speaking of which - will right-wing groups such as the above mentioned buffoons die out in 10 years or so when their primary support networks of racist old people who fear foreigners die of old age? Or will the middle-aged people nowadays become more close-minded as they grow older and take over from today's old people? Btw I'm not saying all old people are like that, as I know they're not. Does the media have a role in this - always trying to force-feed us their fear-mongering hate-babble to get us to hate outsiders? Almost definitely! If I wrote a newspaper I would definitely supply with it an aluminium foil hat to stop the conspiracy theorists blasting my readers with their insane jargon.

Ok - in another spine-jarring twist I will now discuss something I feel positively about...Actually I've sat here 10 minutes thinking and couldn't think of anything so there's another twist for you. Hope you enjoyed it!

Next time on LTWBF...


Thursday, 13 November 2014

Dappergate - a fairly indepth look at Lad Culture. Also the news. Also I analyse a debate.

So what's in the news this week?
Well that's a question I don't need to ask you! Since I joined the gym the other week I've been doing a lot of slow walking on the treadmill whilst watching Breakfast on BBC1. However I didn't go this morning so I am one day behind with the news.
I do know about the satellite landing on the comet though, tré exciting! It's a shame we didn't send a few z-list celebrities to manually land it. I think the comet is about 50million miles away, which sounds about a safe distance for the likes of Justin Beiber to be from the rest of humanity.
What's that? Justin Beiber? Why arn't you slating hate-of-the-moment Dapper Laughs?
Well big news: he is dead! Not really, but the character - or should I say 'character' - has been put to rest in a coffin built of complaints, nailed down with a hammer made of outrage, and buried under a dirty topsoil of shame. He's shaved off his beard (not a proper beard like a lumberjack or a Hagrid would wear, but one of the ones all the cool people wear these days that looks like they've just rubbed their glue-covered chins around on a barber's floor)...anyway he's gotten rid of that and put on a polo shirt and apologised for his behaviour. Anyway as with all things Dapper it's created more anger and stuff, with 'ladz' saying that everyone who complained about him just had nothing better to do and was probably frigid, and other excellent reasoning, while some people who are against him are still angry saying he didn't mean any of his apology etc blah blah blah. What I'd love to see is let's just have loads of people on either side of the argument just spend the rest of time being angry. In my opinion (or IMO, as the kids are saying) he's apologised, let's forget about it. Life is too short (as is my memory) to carry on debating this non-issue any longer. I mean while he was about doing it and promoting bellend-ish behaviour among the (largely) young male population of our Great country and telling them that women basically love getting treated like walking, talking storage compartments to keep your penis in and any that argue with that are probably lesbians or frigid! And this ideology is also the key to getting sex from as many women as possible.
So let's discuss this shall we? By "Let's discuss this" I mean I'm going to talk about it, and you're going to jolly well listen! Or at least read it!

Lad Culture - explained by Big Daddy, thoroughly researched (this is a lie) and....and here is what I have found...

Ok so a real lad just seeks to sleep with as many girls (or 'bitches', as he would call them) as possible and can use this as social currency amongst his male peers. This is in stark contrast with the commonly accepted stigma attached to a female who might do the same thing.
Anyway it's a lot to do with trying to portray a macho image and with that comes the glaring obvious-ness (...) that you're really insecure. There's more to life than having big sculpted muscles and acting all masculine etc etc, and that's speaking from someone who's definitely and 100% certainly mastered both those things.

I admit I started this topic with a lot of angry passion but it's starting to ebb now. The point is I've spent much more time than is good for me looking at internet debates, some of them about the whole Dapper-Laughs-Gate and it just makes me cross how in any of the debates all his fans seem to do is call the people objecting to Dapper Laughs 'frigid' or 'losers' or something else moronic. Anyway so I'm going to find a nice snippet from the comments section of one of the these debates and show you exactly what I mean.

For this I have to visit Better hang up my braincells at the door!
Sweet Jesus...what the hell is this place?

Ok it didn't copy over but it said 'Praise the Lorde' and I was like Nahhh so much

Ok so this is literally copied and pasted from a buzzfeed article which was about Daniel Reilly 'killing the character' of Dapper Laughs and basically apologising for the offence caused etc. You get the point. But do the readers all agree? (I hope not or this'll be bloody boring) Also I BET they have some excellent points to make.

Let's take a look. My points will be in red! FOR MY ANGRY-NESS!  

  • View 1 more
    Emily Lawson ·  Top Commenter
    Is that black turtleneck supposed to make him look like an intellectual, rather than a twat? Name-calling so early on in the game! Minus points! I think if he's trying to shed the image of the character of Dapper Laughs it would hardly make sense to come dressed up as him! Also why's it matter what he's wearing? 

    • Nicola Coughlan · NUI Galway
      Just when you think he couldn't get more offensive, he turns up in a polo neck. I take personal offence to this as many people look great in a polo-neck. Yes I am thinking Woody Harrelson in Friends with Benefits! And myself in a nice green one I have. What on earth is there to be offended by with a polo-neck anyway? Actually on a cold day I have had some complaints...

      • Sonia Alejandra Teruel · Miami, Florida
        Lmao No you arn't. Nobody 'liked' ur comment because it's stoopid.

      • Lee F-j ·  Top Commenter
        "turtle neck" This is correct. I cannot argue with this comment, but it doesn't really add to the debate.

      • Nicola Coughlan · NUI Galway
        Awesome contribution, Lee. Some night time reading for you: WELL SHIT THE BED! SHE'S ONLY RIGHT! I must take back my comment about Lee being correct, he was so wrong he should be taken to the police for spreading internet-lies! 
        For all who didn't realise, he is wearing a turtle-neck in the video, which we can picture is a regular sort of top with a long tube-like collar to cover the neck. But apparently we're supposed to call them polo-necks! 
        So what the hell have I been wearing all this time?!

    • Ima Mused ·  Top Commenter · Works at Panic Station
      I don't think I've ever seen such pathetic backpedaling in my life. You've clearly spent no time watching me do really bad BMX demonstrations down the skatepark then. Also this is one of those things where one person sees an apology and someone else is just a bit more cynical. 

      • Andy Brice ·  ·  Top Commenter · Kingston University
        The guy has been a complete dick. But I think he came across quite well here. I hope the humility is genuine and he's learned his lesson. This guy makes some sense. Let's all hope he's learnt his lesson...but look at his picture...has he got cat ears?

        • Uche Ezedum ·  Top Commenter · Langley Marish, Slough, United Kingdom
          For someone I've never heard of before all this controversy, I'm sick already of the guy and the story. Time to move on to the next one.... ;p Why bother Uche? You're clearly only going to get bored of them too! Why do you even look at other human beings? They art nothing but the simple playthings that you pick up and discard like a spoilt child! You disgust me!!

          • Lee F-j ·  Top Commenter
            no one cares A LOT OF PEOPLE CARE! THEY SHOULDN'T BUT THEY DO! Unless this is about the more important sub-topic of what to call my green top now that we're all aware that it's not a polo-neck!

        • Jessica Hanson ·  Top Commenter · Content Specialist at
          I'm glad he's now on record saying it can encourage men to behave in that way. Because some people are too stupid to realise that it was character acting (terrible, unfunny character acting). Yeah but guys did it before he came along, everyone knew it encouraged it all the way through, and now that he's stopped these people arn't going to say 'well i never thought of it like that' because people like that barely have thoughts at all! Apart from where they're next going to park their todger!

          • Heloise Pace ·  Top Commenter
            I didn't realise it was a character.. I really did think he was a chauvinistic asshole... That's what is so scary.. he just comes across as a regular "lad" having "banter".. I've met loads like him.. are they all putting on an act too? How can we tell? lol In a way they are putting on an act, for you, for their lad-friends, even for deep. "Are we all playing a part in a great play that no-one even knows is happening and that no-one is watching" - Big Daddy, November 2014.

        • Ruth Forrest ·  Top Commenter · Nottingham, United Kingdom
          Now lets stop writing articles about him and let him just fade into obscurity. Ruth if that's your attitude then you're a massive hypocrite for putting this in the first place!

          • Jack Cooper
            I've never watched his performances, nor have I barely even heard of him, but I'm still disappointed that his shows are being cancelled. Why? His shows had a fan base, and as controversial as they seem to be, they were entertaining thousands. Why must other people step in and ruin it for others? If you don't like it, dont watch it! It's sad how a person jokes about rape gets his show cancelled, but a certain footballer who did actually commit a rape crime is allowed to continue. LADIES AND GENTLEMAN WE HIT THE JACKPOT, WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN! He's synergising that rapey footballer story with Dappergate!! Got to admire that. Well you don't have to if you don't want to. I certainly am not.

            • Andrew Hill ·  Top Commenter · Caudillo at Crack In The Road
              Probably should have watched the show then, as you'd have seen he didn't just tell dodgy jokes, he actively approached random women in the street and harassed them for laughs. I dare say you oughta be scolded for openly encouraging another human to watch the show, especially when you've just given away massive spoilers.
              Also what is this guy the Top Commander of?

            • Ruth Forrest ·  Top Commenter · Nottingham, United Kingdom
              Well those things arent comparable. If the footballers job was raping women, it'd be a different story. He's been charged, served his time and is now going back to his original job. Your analogy doesnt really make sense. That's not really true. Most things CAN be compared, unless you're very lazy. Let me give it a go. "What Dapper Laughs did was bad. What that rapey footballer did was worse". They we go, an expert comparison and I didn't even break a sweat. 
              I now see it actually says 'Commenter' not commander. Too bad.
              Also to imply the footballer is not as bad as Dapper Laughs is silly IMO. He was convicted of raping a woman, served 2 years for this abominable crime then was rehired by his football club where he will make a ludicrous amount of money and be in a position where he could be considered a role-model for young football fans. 
              I caught a little on the story on Question Time and there was a Lord who put it well. He said that this footballer had the right to work, as everyone does, but if this Lord was the Manager of the football team he would not rehire him.
              Anyway that's possibly a debate for another time!

            • Ruth Forrest "If the footballers job was raping women" Good point Michael, well made. Do you have time to go over it again for those that didn't catch it?
              And we all know it's not their job, but it is a hobby for a lot of them. #slanderous #JK #AmI?

            And there you have it! Some excellent points well made, but I'm upset nobody called anyone's mom a slag! I found this fairly tame. Maybe next time we should hit up the Britain First homepage for a good laugh - if it wasn't so sickening. 
            Also people who think hunting animals is a basic human right. It was once, when it was for survival and we were hunting wooly mammoths. If you're hungry, go to a supermarket u stupid buffoon.

            Here's something we can all enjoy and bond over.