Like how about when you reach the end of a road and want to turn left and the person before u is turning right. The end of the road is wide enough for both ur cars to fit side-by-side and you would have no trouble turning left - BUT - they've only gone and taken up the whole bloody end of the road. Oh don't worry I'm happy to wait while you eventually manage to get out, you utter knob-head. I hope you crash.
There's an example of one of my dislikes.
Now here's a twist, despite the title of this post, I have no intention of putting anything I like right now.
If you need to, take a minute to get over that bombshell.
I'm moving on, keep up!
So i have a semi-OK beard going on atm, and I want to get rid of it as I often do when it gets a bit bushy and tried to form an alliance with my chest/back hair, where it would become unstoppable. But I voiced my honourable intentions and the other human being I was talking to (whoever that was) said "Oh no! You have to keep it for Movember!" - Right? Despite the fact I'm not raising any money?
Basically what I'm saying is that the terrorists have already won.
Also another thing I saw on the news was that an airport have said they have the world's biggest "mo" (which incidentally yes I do think is a stupid shortened name for a moustache). Then the news showed the picture, which was essentially a giant white outline in the approximate of a moustache on one of the giant grass strips running alongside one of their runways. I am skeptical this really qualifies as a legitimate moustache. It is about as legit as me drawing, with a crayon, a bazonga-jillion pound note and claiming to be the richest man in the world. Obviously not the richest human being, as the Queen could always just print a bazonga-jillion and one pound note, but then she might get in trouble for using a picture of my face (which of course would adorn all notes of bazonga-jillion notes or higher) without my blessing.
I was in my car today thinking - always dangerous - but as i was letting my mind wander it was clear I was sitting behind some Sunday-driving, slow-moving, road-blocking anus-face of a driver. Seriously I went to and from Brighton today along beacon road (oh yes, Beacon Road I know it well, say all my readers in other countries). It's possible I've mentioned this before but it really grinds my gears when people drive at tortuously slow speeds along country roads that are National Speed Limit (60mph) at about 30mph. Morons! THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON anyway so both there and back I got stuck behind some arse that refused to push their precious motor to more than 35mph! I am like it's a good thing you're not in a hurry! Just remove your wing-mirrors and replace them with pictures of a massive queue of traffic snaking out behind you! (OK I stole that joke from somewhere - or recycled it, however you want to look at it!)
Anyway back to my original point I was thinking in my car today the term 'ripping the piss out of someone'...what a bloody horrible image! It doesn't really make any sort of sense either? But then again most terms that means making fun of someone don't make sense. For instance if someone takes the mickey out of me, do they gain a mickey? Where do I keep my mickey before they can take it? Will this Mickey need feeding or watering when I go out? So many questions that UKIP just arn't answering.
Speaking of which - will right-wing groups such as the above mentioned buffoons die out in 10 years or so when their primary support networks of racist old people who fear foreigners die of old age? Or will the middle-aged people nowadays become more close-minded as they grow older and take over from today's old people? Btw I'm not saying all old people are like that, as I know they're not. Does the media have a role in this - always trying to force-feed us their fear-mongering hate-babble to get us to hate outsiders? Almost definitely! If I wrote a newspaper I would definitely supply with it an aluminium foil hat to stop the conspiracy theorists blasting my readers with their insane jargon.
Ok - in another spine-jarring twist I will now discuss something I feel positively about...Actually I've sat here 10 minutes thinking and couldn't think of anything so there's another twist for you. Hope you enjoyed it!
Next time on LTWBF...
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