I hope Brazil are pleased they caused me to lose out on the jackpot in the work sweepstake. First they cunningly trick me into giving a damn about football in the first place by including my main interest (money), then they go and break my heart! I've watched more football in the last couple of weeks than I ever have in all the rest of my life.
Now the cat is being demanding! She keeps trying to jump on my lap whilst I expose myself at my desk (in word form). Little does her cat-mind realise I don't really enjoy her being on my lap, purring maniacally whilst digging her claws into my tender thighs!
Speaking of which, I went for a walk the other day and got such bad chaffing in my gentleman's area that when I checked myself (before i wrecked myself) in the shower the next morning I found a blooming graze mark! I was so upset that my thigh gap has disappeared that I had to immediately eat a pizza whilst having a good think about what caused this weight gain.
I foolishly had a second Monster energy drink this evening whilst at a friend's (and was subsequently named King of the Party-Boys 2014) because 1 is never enough but 2 is too much! Anyway it led to me singing loudly to Rod Stewart on my drive home. Also I felt so wild I thought I could take a selfie and get put on @Cunt_Watchers, which I used to follow on twitter but now I kinda feel like it's a lot of the same old shit. #SoAlternative.
Also watched Law Abiding Citizen this evening (not for the first time) and it was, as always, excellent. Although I now think I may have a man-crush on Jamie Foxx. Especially in Valentine's Day at the end where he's playing the keyboard at the party, I wish I was him. He's also brilliant as Motherfucker Jones in Horrible Bosses!
Also I'm a big Tom Hanks fan and can't even think of a film he's done I don't enjoy!
Also I've sent out questionnaires to my many millions of readers, and the reply I got back indicates my blog posts are too long! The respondent also ticked the boxes marked:
-very poor
-words begin to escape me as to quite how poor
-buttock-clenchingly piss poor
SO I'm thinking I could spruce it up a bit with some nice pictures.
I had a brief trip down memory lane and realised my first couple of blogs were awash with #hashtags and nice pictures, and they were popular enough, right? RIGHT? *lonelytears*
I know I do go on about Billy Joel a lot also, so here's a nice picture of him .
He's topped my internal list of favourite musicians of all time
On a political note I took part in the big work today. I was going to go into town and join the picket line but I thought, as long as I'm not at work I can just have my own private revolution here in Nando's and enjoy some delicious chicken at the same time! I was thrilled (in more ways than one) that they've finally rearranged their menu so that the "10 chicken wings" is no longer in a section marked "Great for sharing"
Speaking of Nando's my younger cousin works there and it was her birthday yesterday so happy birthday to you! My Dad suggested I send a card but I know amongst us of the younger generation it's more cool to be given lots of Facebook comments to show how popular you are!
Also finally finished Season 4 of Breaking Bad and found out the big twist at the end....that however deplorable the character Jesse Pinkman is, my women friends will all still say he's the bee's effing knees just cos he's got a pretty face on 'im! #welljel. Also I found out, to my cost, the difference in the Dvd boxes titled "The Fifth Seaon" and "The Final Season". Basically The Final Season, what i have, is only actually half of season 5, even though nowhere on the box it says that u only get the second half of the season on it! My outrage was matched only by my inability to concoct an appropriate comparison!...BITCH
I got laughed at the other day when my macho friend found out how emotional I found Toy Story 3 at the cinema and it got me thinking that I could go back in time and rewatch that film again and re-feel the emotions! We had to delay driving home because I started weeping at the wheel! It was the most powerful cinematic experience I've ever had, and I've seen the first 3 Pokemon films!
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