Saturday, 1 December 2012

Will nout inspire?!

I jumped out the shower and went straight down the shops. Was arrested for not getting dressed first.

Photo: I've become something of an artistSo I haven't yet gotten around to learning the piano again, but I am still thinking about it! Last night instead what I did was emotionally craft beuty on facebook in the form of a lovely cartoon kettle. Should sell in a Brighton Lanes store on the front of a t-shirt for great amounts of currency.

Sure, you can't make out the full message, but I think I prefer "u can ca e t-f" and wonder what's going through the kettle's mind as he boils his brains  on whatever recreational drugs he can get his beefy hands on. What a stud. I'd do him.

So I finished reading a book the other day and it was like a crime thriller one, and then at the end there's a page about what happened after she marries the man she loves and it just for a few pages becomes rancorous porn! "He touched her nipples with with ice cubes, and put warm oil inside her. he carried on until she begged him to enter her..."


Person at work: "Excuse me, where is the [CENSORED]"
Me: "It is here!"
Person: "Thank you how helpful, what is your name?"
Me: "You'll never take me back to your village and make me your god!" *jumps through sheet glass window and away*
Person: "Wait! Come back!"
Me: "But it was too late, I was already narating the end of this segment".

Another incident at work...

Me: "Sorry, I think I spat on your face" *wipes off face*
Colleague: "Most people would just have said nothing. That's bravery"
Me: "And like that I made a new friend"
Colleague: "Who are you talking to?"

An update for all my readers, I have now put some clothes on. Also I was leaving the post office the other day and it was pissing it down so I was turning on my iPod (apologies for the product placement) and this "character" was leaving the place past me and was like OH EM GEE M8 IT'S LIKE PROPER PISSING IT DOWN!
I was like please I hope you're not talking to me. Luckily it turned out they were not. I DON'T GO TO THE POST OFFICE TO MAKE FRIENDS!

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