Friday, 30 November 2012

Quality over Quantity? Is that what the trend is?

I was thinking of writing the script for a tree-based police show, where a tree has been shot by a gangsta bush and the police tree is like to his deputy: "Hey Birch, how can we tell what all these juices coming from the gunshot wounds are?" And Birch replies "I'll use my mobile phone, surely What-sap can tell us!"


Why is my cat so fat?! She gets so annoying at night but I'm told that we cant shut her outside because she's old! What a liberty! That's the kind of treatment that we wouldn't have given OAPs only 10 years ago!

 Finally got 3 visits ticked off on my Nandos card, next time I get a free 1/4 chicken. That day I will be very glad.

I'm thinking of developing my piano skillz and perform a club remix mashup of christmas songs and Eduarf Khil. It will be the christmas everyone has been waiting for, and I will be able to tick off "get a christmas number 1" off my list of things to do. Then all there is to do is kill Kony! Maybe I could combine the two and at the unveiling of my new chart-topper "I am very glad to be returning to Christmas" by Big Daddy feat Eduard Khil, I could invite Kony and then lay a trap for him. Then when he sits down I could declare that he has activated my trap card, in typical Yu-Gi-Oh stylee, and then as he's lying there in a pile of animal refuse I would say "You sir have not only been killed, but Edwuard Khil-ed!" Then I would dedicate Kony's death to Eduard's immortal memory and he would earn more soviet medals. Although as everyone knows, in Soviet Russia the medals earn you.

D! You are unmasked Sir! You have earnt the title of Chief Penis! You lose 1 Charisma.

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