Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Mrer Mrer Mrer?

Okay so where to starr?
I think the last time I posted on this was about some magical adventure about a matronly character or something but let's be honest I dont have the tme to go back and check!

That was back in June and frankly it's the least inportant month of the year, even worse than May! A poor man's July, if you will!
Now it is September, turning to October, and it's bvegun to be Authumn here. Where is here? Why in England, f course! I dot know what's happened since last I posted but if this is your only source of local news then where the hell do you live?

I've recenrly become aware that my actual job should be a singer on the london underground, only recently I lit up the Northern Line all the way to Collier's Wood! People were singing along and making requests (for me to stop) all the way! Along with some pals, we sang to some great hiots by Queen, Elbvis and the Bare Necessities.

Now it's Tuesday night and I've drank half a bottole of Kirsch which is some german brandy and tastest of a bit of cherrys but is much stronger than I remember from when I last drank it.

my DVD of Zodiac arrived, which I watched recently with a friend and I found it jumps around a lot and I was able to increase the enjoyment by narating what was actually going on throughout the whole film, like my friend does when he recites the entire script of Nightmare Before Christmas.The whole bit where he ties up the students then stabs them brutally to death made me cringe!....the Zodiax killer that is, not my friend....But maybe they'er one in the same?!

So I watched Se7en recently too, and I came away with the idea that Gwynneth Paltrow framed Kevin Spacey in it as the killer. And I'm not even talking about the film, I mean in real life. Also is she the Zodiac?

Listen to the song Telstar. If it doesn't make you think of like a magical unicorn flying through space and time then you're not experiencing it correctly in my mind.

So it was the Burgess Hill bonfire night again and this time I remembered to stay off the Waltzer at the fun fayre. They may spin it very fast but it always leads to massive neck-ache and that damage to your neck I cant remember at this time but I'm sure if I said it you'd know ti, know wham sayin'?

I've started an Instagram account too. I used to think it was just a thing for people who had the wrong assumption that taking a photo and adding a pointless filter made them a photographer or an artist, and now I have adopted it ironically....or have I? Nah but mine is mainly old buildings.

That's all for now bye
Image result for tom petty
This is Tom Petty - unrelated

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