Sunday, 13 December 2015

Stories, Dr Who, Brasso...what more do you want from this damn blog?!

"I say, Ms McLaddlesworth, this really is too much!" remarked Hank Batt as he gleefully peeled back the wrapping to reveal a fine pair of leather trousers. "I've been after a new pair ever since that unfortunate incident in the gravel, sandpaper and cheese-grater factory where I was dragged around on my backside by the.
"Och aye, sir!" trilled the doughty Highlander. "I even managed to give away the remains of your old pair to that young couple of lads that moved in next door. They were fighting over it like a tray of freshly baked shortbread!"
"Kids today, eh? They'll wear anything with a few tears in it just to look cool".
It was Christmas Eve in the Batt household (and everywhere else, come to think of it) and Hank was just exchanging gifts with his treasured housekeeper before releasing her for the holidays. She was now the proud owner of a three kilogram bag of porridge oats and a Proclaimers Best Of album. As she stamped off down the garden path and Hank began to close the front door, he noticed a package lying on his snow-flecked doorstep. He brought it inside and sat by the fire - then got up off the floor and sat in his armchair. No sooner had The Antiques Road-show finished then he had a good look at the mysterious package.
It was an ordinary-enough package, Brown paper, tied up with string. Box-shaped. A festive gift? Or a crucially important plot point? We're not to know. Hank already considered himself off work for Christmas so didn't open it - he figured if it was a gift it could wait until until the morn, and if it was work-related it could wait until he was back in the office.

That's just the first bit of the thrilling tale of Hank Batt in 'No Claus for Concern' where he will track down some Santa-related killer before he ruins Christmas for the children.

I saw the inevitable advert for the upcoming Dr Who Christmas special this year. Now I sort of got lost with Dr Who midway through the Matt Smith years and don't consider myself a Whovian (a special breed of nerd) and would have no idea what was going on if I did watch it. Anyway i was thinking a topical use of the Doctor's time would definately be to use his Time Lord technology to build a giant TARDIS-like creation that could house all the Syrian refugees! Doubtless the government wouldn't bother to vote to assist with this, as it would in no way fill their pockets, but hopefully Peter Capaldi would have enough Time to finance the project himself!

Oft am I walking along the street (on the pavement obviously I'm not mental) and I need to sidestep to avoid some idiot or a bin, and I look slightly to my right or left just as an unconscious manoeuvre from all the driving I do, and thought it would be a great idea to have wing-mirrors on my head or out of my shoulder or something?

When the train commentator saying "Please make sure all baggage is taken with you" or something like that, do you think any terrorist bomb plot has been foiled by a socially-awkward member of the gang being guilted into taking their bomb with them, lest they infuriate the train-gods?

I've written here in my notes "Drinking Brasso",,,and I am as confused as you might be (if you're still reading at this point. I mean I dont think you'd be confused as to why you would still be reading at this point, clearly you're just a person of great taste who appreciates true quality and can see someone just baring their souls.

Another thing I've scribbled on my phone's Memo function is 'The French Prince of Bel Air'...which I would watch, just to seem a bit multi-cultural! I've often thought that learning a new language would be a good thing to do with myself, since I was sadly suffering with a debilitating case of cba which in school and never bothered to learn anything that might get me out of a sticky situation if i ever get taken hostage abroad. Although come to think of it I would be able to tell the kidnappers what my name was and what town I lived in. So maybe my language teachers were doing me a favour?
Also what is the point of teaching kids in schools languages for countries where everyone speaks excellent English anyway? This is literally so you can struggle out one terrible sentence that gets nowhere just so they can lol at you then show off better English vocabulary than you! #itsaconspiracy.

Ooh I remember my idea of the Proteiney - a coffee for people who want the energy of a coffee but also the 'gains' from the gym! I mean I'm not too sure what gains are and what protein is involved but advertisement is only 0.1% product and 99.9% bullshit so it's going to be a winner!

Anyway have a lovely Christmas!

Friday, 4 December 2015

This truth bomb is less damaging than the actual bombs

So I told a ffrioend my theory if you took the Man as the main bit from SuperMAN then cryptominte would be a euthamism for committment! Am I right ladies?
A friend dropped a truth bomb on me today saying that i just make friend with beautiful women who i cannot be in a relationship with - and in my alcohol-weakened state I have to stop and think about this.
Also I've fallen in lvoe with the voice and style of Eartha Kitt (the voice of Yzma from the Empieror's New Groove) and her many fantastic songs, especiallty Proceed with Caution which you shoudl all put on as he soundatrack for this blog as you read!
Stayinh vaguely in touch with current affairs as i so often do, I think that as we're in a recession a lot of newspapers could save money by just reprinting the same headlines every day saying "Government proves they are out of touch and don't give a shit what voters think" and then the next story could be about peoples' surprise as this, algthough we shouldn't really be surprised by now./ I mean what is the point of having a government which does not represent the views of the people? I mean do the people of the UK even matter to this privaleged few who we (and by 'we' I mean 29% of us) elected into power. In myu opinion the rich shouldn't vbe given power. The good should be given power - those who arn't driven by money. Anyone who has to work towards getting power from a young age (like the political system in this country dictates should be) sghould not be the people we get in power. I mean you only need to listen/read to the news to notice how fucking corrupted by greed and power the government is - not to mention to the media. They'd do anything just to keep things comfortable for themselves adn their fat cat friends - why it's still news to learn that the PM or Chancellor are doing something to fuck over the common people whilst kkeeping things peachy for the wealthy still qualifies as news is a mystery to me!
Anyway on another compleely different note I found out I am totally out of touch with my former colleagues as i was chosen to DJ at the christmas party and woefully failed to impress with what i thought was a pretty banging playlist! I was deeply saddenned by this and it#'s affected by self-confident with regard to my future carrerr as a DJ :(
Amidst all this misery it is Christmas in the air and I am wel looking forward to it! I've decided to do homemade gifts this year as I am poor and steadfastly belive my family will love some homemade tat, but maybe I'm as mistaken about this as i am about my DJ-ing skillz!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

You can't spell Furious without 'us'

This blog, as you know, is called Let Thy Words Be Furious - which I adapted from a friend's blog called Let Thy Words Be Few, which in turn is from Ecclesiastes 5:2 in The Bible. Now I'm not a religious person but I understand the importance of religion. Gone are the days of studying in RE and from the very first lesson one or two people saying it was pointless to learn as they didn't want to become vicars. Regardless of whether or not you're religious, only the most ignorant of persons will dismiss all religions as irrelevant and unimportant. Wherever in the world you are, all civilisations possess some form of religion or another, and indeed religion is often one of the building blocks that helped to form modern life as we know it.
Nowadays in a lot of countries religion has been forced to take a back seat to money, business, technology and the like - a more physical and immediate reward system for our actions.
Anyway, what I'm trying to get to is basically, you all by now will have heard of the Paris attacks that occurred on the evening of Friday 13th, a couple of days ago. 127 people dead, more than twice that number wounded. A nation in mourning for three days. 1500 troops deployed within their capitol city. A curfew in place for the first time since 1944.
Luckily the international community were quick to the rescue and barely had the first bombs gone off nearby the Stade de France than the Facebook design team were hard at work designing a nice Tricolore for concerned users to put over their profile pictures so they could appropriately express their horror at the atrocities.
As IS militants stormed into a packed Bataclan concert hall and gunned down more than eighty music-lovers with their AK-47s, Twitter users the world over dusted off #prayfor and bolted Paris to the end of it and hey presto! The perfect instrument for connecting the grieving masses across the world.
Before the dust had even settled from the last suicide vest, message boards from one end of the internet to the other were lighting up with condolences, theories and blame.
Now I'm going to skip past the bit where I have to explain to you that not all Muslims are terrorists, since I flatter myself that all my readership are intelligent enough to work that out for themselves. And not all terrorists are Muslim, either, obviously. A week or so ago we celebrated Bonfire Night in the UK, and Guy Fawkes is probably the most famous terrorist in British history. Although fictional, The Joker from The Dark Knight is another example of a terrorist who wasn't a Muslim (that we know of).
But lo and behold every time a monstrous act of mass murder such as this happens the ignoramus' of the country rise up like a bad dog trying to steal food from the kitchen table and in turn by smacked on the nose by the more reasonable members of society with a metaphorical rolled up newspaper.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

State of the Artless

I want you personally to be the first to know that I'm about to make some changes round here. I feel like there are big issues going on in our country and beyond that affect us all and that I would like to weigh in on said issues but I can't do so with a clear mind as I know I'm no expert on what's going on, only catching glimpses of the world stage on social media like Twitter and Facebook. So I could ramble on about these serious issues but in all honesty why should you read it? I mean I'm well aware only a dozen or so people did read my last offering so maybe I am exaggerating my own readership here - but then again it's a privilege to be listened to by anyone and this isn't something you should take for granted.
Because these days, with social media and the like, it is all too easy to get your message up to the fawning masses, and this isn't always a good thing. I mean, nearly everything is dressed up as fact but who knows what's really going on in the world? especially if like me you spend most of your life huddled in front of a screen gawping at whatever nonsense you're reading. Everyone who writes will try to draw you in, and nearly everyone has some agenda or angle they want to share with you. After all, where is the fun in simply writing out the bullet pointed facts of a story and letting people make up their minds about how to interpret it?
So anyway starting this week I'm planning on starting to purchase actual real-life newspapers and learning about what is genuinely going on in the world. Only which to buy? I've heard some are owned by Satan himself and others are loony lefties, who can give me a clear, unbiased view? The truth is that you can't. Or is that the truth just according to me? Probably! So all you can is filter out the rhetoric and the politicking, try to work out what actually happened and make up your own decision.
But anyway the thing to take away from this segment is that I'm going to try and make myself more aware and I'll pass the savings onto you!

On the subject of politics, here are some of my opinions: I believe that you will only ever get into a position of political power is if you are really rich, or a member of a political party, or preferably both! Think about it, a democracy is supposedly where everyone gets around in a nice circle and votes for who they want to be in charge. Everyone had an equal chance of getting in, provided they could convince the majority they were the best man or woman for the job. And i'm sure that worked fine in ancient Greece etc (come to think of it I'm sure they had their own problems but I just don't know anything about them) but nowadays we take that formula and add money! Pounds, dollah dollahs, euros, you get the picture! These days you either need a fortune to stand a chance of being elected or you need to join one of the main political parties where you have to tow the line and follow the rules of the party so are pretty restricted on what you can do if the party bosses don't like it! But in a country as big as any modern-day civilisation how can any one person possibly represent the wants and needs of 100,000 people? Plus in the broken voting system we so stubbornly cling to, in most circumstances the person representing every one of the constituents was not even the first pick of half of them! So how can he/she/it possibly represent them? Throw into that equation the fact that a lot of MPs are wealthy, self-serving cockends who are just as likely to make a big mistake as any idiot, only the average poor idiot isn't balancing 100,000 people's wellbeing on their narrow shoulders! Also take into account a lot of politicians have been trained from birth to be as out-of-touch as possible and also seem to be ingrained with the belief that their job is about making money and not giving a shit about the needs of people such as the poor/needy/foreigners. It's time we recognised that the system is broken and tore it down, corrupt fat-cats and all. Who had the great idea to put the rich on top and let them choose when they descended from their thrones to fly away in gold-plated jets paid for by the plebs?

Monday, 21 September 2015

It's time to wake up and read some opinionated drivel - so put that newspaper down and feast your eyes!

I'm having one of those nights where I can't sleep - it might have happened to you before so prepare to relate!
Despite brushing my teeth, my mouth still feels like I have yesterday evening's pizza stewing in it and I've drank a pint of water (with lemon and ice in it, #stayclassy) but it's done nothing to help. Anyway now it's 5:30ish and I thought oh well might as well ride this out and get an early night tonight! In the meantime I hope you can read this over breakfast (or for those of you who don't eat breakfast because it makes you feel sick to eat in the morning (even though it's the most important meal of the day) I hope you can read this whilst probably necking coffee and doing whatever you do in the morning) and hope it has a positive effect on your day.
Like me, you're probably thinking that whenever you can't sleep, the first thing that comes to sleep is the scene in Shrek 2 where he's in bed and can't sleep - it's a quality film if you've not seen it I'd ask what you've been doing with your life up until now? For those who have seen it, you're no doubt thinking back fondly on all the topkek moments and smiling to yourself, maybe giving an appreciative nod to yourself over your Cheerios too.
Cheerios are fairly vanilla for a breakfast cereal. Not that I've got anything against vanilla, really. If you get a good vanilla ice cream it's the bee's knees but generally when people say vanilla they mean to say it's pretty beige (which is never exciting). I prefer my breakfast cereal loaded with sugar, which some people might say is bad for me but it's better than eating stuff like Cheerios, Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes and sitting there wondering where it all went wrong?
Okay so I don't mind sharing with you all (all 2 or 3 of you who will still be reading at this point, but fair point the dissing of Corn Flakes was pretty controversial, though frankly if you're going to make an issue of it then you're uninvited from reading on - go on, get out!) i don't mind telling you I had a dream of a sexual nature about someone I know, recently. Whereas the proper reaction upon waking from a sex dream is either "That was a nice dream", or in my case just to hug myself and feel the foreveraloneliness, I think it's a sign of me getting older than in this dream the sex part lasted only for the very start of the dream and then it went on to her coming up to me afterwards and telling me she was pregnant, then me worrying about having to get a better job and worrying about money. It went from awesome sex dream to terrible anxiety nightmare in the space of a few minutes!
I don't know if I was just experiencing Monday Morning Blues yesterday but I felt the compunction to just leave my 9-5 desk-job and get an easy evening job to tide me over and in the meantime spend my days doing creative things and trying to find a passion for something! I mean I love to create things but I feel whilst working full-time I have no time to explore what I could be missing out on - for instance every day I drive past (or get stuck for ages behind) some people out cycling first thing in the morning, and I'd love to be able to just be able to get up and go out and enjoy the day!

Have a good day!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

You can't just refer to someone as 'Nice Face' - oh do be quiet, Big Nose!

I was driving into work this morning with a distinct sighing feeling - people have reassured me that it was just a Monday Feeling and would fade...presumably until next Monday and come back every Monday for the rest of my life! That's one day in seven forever that I'm doomed to be miserable on! What's up with that? Anyway this morning was worse than usual - I'm sounding very moribund atm I realise that perhaps I should get to the point. I did actually say to someone 'is this all there is?' and that's not good! But I am starting to feel that I am stuck at work for 90% of the time, not fulfilling my potential (and as anyone who's read my blog will have worked out by now, I am nothing if not a winner!) and still no clear idea of what I really want to be? I want to feel like I'm making a difference, not be prodded back and forth for the sake of procedure, get paid enough to live comfortably AND have plenty of time to myself.
It's lately become more plain that I have no solid gang of reliable mates anymore - I thought to myself today 'I know, a trip to the pub with some mates would cheer me up' then I thought who to invite? A year or so ago it would have come easily to me, half a dozen reliable and available guys and gals to have a jolly with. But now? Have they all moved on without me? Perhaps, perhaps not. Some have gone off to uni, some are in relationships so essentially dead, and some are just so desperately unreliable it beggars belief. Only yesterday I was messaged by someone asking what I was doing that evening, so I messaged back saying I was reply for the rest of the evening! I mean what was the point in even asking?
I also have a friend who, for some unknown reason, insists on referring to me as 'kid' in her messages. It's always 'what're you up to, kid' or 'how're you doing, kid?' even though I've told her more than once I think it's irritating. We don't live in Modern Family, or Sex & the City, or wherever she heard it said, so quit acting like it! Plus I'm older than you, so quit patronising me! The same as when people say 'how's tricks?' i mean what the fuck does that even mean? You want me to perform a trick? I'm not a dog or some monkey or magician, what tricks do you                                                           think I have to tell you about?

On a cheerier note - I went to a friend's gig on Friday night and there were under-18s there! (I dont mean to say that made it a great night, I'm not a child-kidnapper) I'm going to get onto the point - so my friend's band were the only one playing that I found at all bearable - the other two bans I was subjected to were all screamy metal noise bands - like what we all used to like in our early teens! (I say 'we', obviously I have never liked this stuff - my music tastes revolve around anything with a bombastic tune, or something I can sing to, or both!) I've never ever seen the appeal of having some musicians just make as much noise as possible whilst the flopping-haired singer just grunts and coughs into a microphone for song after song - OH YEAH THIS ONE'S CALLED I HATE MY PARENTS! and basically they were doing what they do on stage and all the tweens were standing about in gloomy garb or getting off with their significant others - though due to the amount of eyeliner/hair product being used it was impossible to tell where one started and the other began! The general consensus was the whole experience made me and my friends feel very old.

Here's a thing - professional impersonators! What IS the point of them! These people who claim to look like celebrities actually charge gullable fools to hire them for stuff! I don't get what you would need that for, unless you're planning to kidnap the real-life celebrity and replace them with a body-double! I get it for stuff like tribute acts and the like, but for non-performers you'd be like "Oh here's David Beckham!" then a second later everyone would be like..."It looks a bit like him but it's not him". And you could get your picture taken with him and everyone would be like omg I cant beleive you got your picture taken with....oh                                                           hold on it's not're weird.

I've seen a lot of these links (See all my previous rants on 'click-bait') that are like "The miracle pill that's putting gyms out of business" or "The 5 Secrets Casinos don't want you to know!" and I'm like, if these so-called secrets etc are so amazing why are you giving them away for nothing? Also why isn't it in the news that Gyms up and down the country and closing after people discover these 'life-hacks' (another stupid phrase) all it is desperate attention-grabbing tactics to make you look at their offering and hopefully see the advertisements crawling all over it like the kitchen table at an orgy!

That's your allotted time.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Upbeat, then goes into my ongoing word-war on buzzfeed, then rage at the media,

Just finished watching The Love Punch, a quality upbeat film about a middle-aged couple stealing a huge diamond, left me feeling a deep urge to just up and go on an adventure. I'd down my drink, take my feet out of this bubbly foot-bath and hit the road!
Just because I don't take buzzfeed's advice and cry or die at every little thing i see it doesn't make me emotionally repressed, does it? And nothing they've ever done has changed my life, unless you could the fact that the 'me' that comes out of the magic experience of seeing whatever they've literally dredged up from the deeps of world shit, is only different from the me that went in because I'm about 30 seconds closer to the grave (or maybe add a bit more as my soul would be a bit more crushed from the tedium). Of course that's only if it's a really interesting thing (contradiction in terms though that sounds), if it's a normal one it would only take a couple of seconds of my attention before I go back to thinking about important things like, oh I don't know....colours?
and WTF is up with these stupid stupid STUPID quizzes?! What.....+struggles to think of something amusing AND outside the box+....+embarrassing...I got told I was quick the other day (and not in the bedroom, for a change)+....anyway it's what BLANK are you, based on these stupid multiple-choice questions dreamt up by someone who once had dreams but is now nothing but a stupid-haircut-wearing, probably wears jeans too low and has some sort of hipster top on ironically cos he thinks it's funny...god I hope he goes and plays in the traffic. Anyway yeah answer these dumb questions and you can find out what member of Girls Aloud's haircut you were in another life. Nailed it.
ONE MORE THING << for the less-informed of my readers...or reader...that was clearly a reference to Jackie Chan Adventure, the earth-shatteringly amazing cartoon show from when I was younger.
My cat is tortoiseshell coloured, so for those who don't know: that's quite dark. And I'm not about to go off on some racist tangent here so I don't want any outspoken 'do-gooder' standing up for minority cats because I'm going to say it here and now - cats are pretty dickish, whatever colour they come in. For instance there's this white-supremacist cat up the street, always prowling around the garden doing who-knows-what - anyway so my dark-coloured cat likes nothing more than lying across the top of the stairs in the dark waiting for someone to trip over her! Then she'll sit on you, purring whilst she digs her claws in and then molts all over my white sofa!
I often get told I was born in the wrong decade, usually whilst watching some quality comedy film about the 60s, 70s or 80s (often during a disco scene) and I often think about how those people, are they happier because they're actors in a film, or is it because back in those days people were so less aware of the wider world. I don't mean they were idiots (though sure a lot of them were, like there are idiots today too (some of them are the same ones in fact!)) but anyway it's just that they didn't have such an almighty media machine constantly pumping them full of worldwide information! All they had was the broadsheets (and back in them days they were broader than - oh I dont know, yo moma!) and really starchy radio-presenters!
So today we have hundreds of newspapers, radio stations, tv channels and the internet all telling us the true facts of what's going on elsewhere. Only none of it is the full truth - some of it isn't even any of the truth. All of it is there to serve someone's agenda. Some we know of, some we don't, but it gets to the point where some people know how fake and/or opinionated a lot of the media is so don't even know what to believe anymore! So then you're like 'well why pay attention to any of it, why not just assume everything's shit?!' Which I think it fair enough, as it's a philosophy I just thought of.
And things were just better back then! I remember the 80s....actually I dont as I was born in 1990 but I remember the other day when I was watching Live Aid on Youtube and Mick Jagger wore...wait for it...a red t-shirt! I mean you just couldn't get away with that shit these days! These days you have to wear either some sort of merange/battery-powered giraffe costume that breathes fire, or else nothing at all, to get noticed! It's because these days people have no attention-span so you need to grab them by the neck, hold their eyes and ears open and inject your shitty dogma on them then kick them down and remind them they're shit! shit SHIT I SAY!
Instead of finding a nice picture to end this with, I spent 15 minutes watching the best of Malcolm Tucker, so I will instead say 'Fuckity-Bye!' and leave it at that.

Oh okay here's a nice picture of a train

Monday, 27 July 2015

Episode V - For Vendetta, The Spellcheck Strikes Back. Also I talk bluntly about pornography that my friend watched.

I'm back in Burgess Hill now, I've had to abandon my Hove flat as I was unable to keep myself in the manner to which I'd become abandoned so basically had to dump myself as my girl-self's Dad wasn't satisfied with how my boy-self was treating me as a woman...yeah?
Anyway so I'm back in Burgess Hill so won't have to consign myself to my tablet and it's stupid touch-screen keyboard - it's back to it's rightful place of being used as a pricey paperweight that I occasionally watch Youtube on.
How I used to do these blogs was simply get wasted and then write whatever came to mind, then there was a stage where I'd note down things that occurred to me that I thought were amusing and then regurgitating them onto this later - whilst not as fresh I felt it wasn't fair on you readers to miss out on a single thought that passes through my mind.
What I enjoy doing the most is writing stories, they don't often have an ending but they basically revolve around me thinking 'oh that would be cool' and then stop as soon as the cool bits stop, with no satisfying conclusion but blah blah blah

ANYWAY tonight I've got a few things on my notepad - plus I've written down some dreams I've had recently so strap on and get ready for a ride you'll never forget (sufferers of Alzheimer's are exempt). Before I start, i should tell you that if you get confused as to all the references of 'man-raiding', it refers to the time of year when amorous women 'equip' themselves with strap on dildos and go out hunting men. It's a real thing.

I recently became acquainted with the song 'In The Summertime' by Mungo Jerry (who is worth checking out if only for the puzz sideburns - fyi I just made up the word Puzz, but I guarantee you thought for a second "am i not down with the kids? i...when did this happen?" Anyway in this musical masterpiece there is a member of the band literally blowing raspberries into a big moonshine bottle - now that kind of excellence just isn't around anyway (it might be but I mean I haven't seen it in my day-to-day life)
So I was reminded of this song, cos who hasn't ever heard it somewhere?, after watching Despicable Me 2 and it's playing when all the kidnapped Minions are on the tropical island, and it got me to thinking the Minions are one of those phenomena that are being plastered all over our faces by the beloved trend-setting...buzzfeed sorta things, you know what I mean? THE ESTABLISHMENT, anyway so normally I'm like ergh bore off (btw 'bore off' is a bloody stupid phrase, avoid using it) so normally I don't like things being thrust down my throat but with the Minions I'm like yeah I can definitely swallow this. They are some good stuff, and i enjoyed the Minions movie, and of course love both Despicable Me's.

So the other day in my flat I think I was cooking some burgers and so obviously it was full of smoke and I was thinking maybe I could invent something to keep the smoke out of my eyes? Obviously it would need to be see-through so I could observe my burgers, but at the same time not let the smoke in. Inspiration struck me! Anyway it was at that moment that I realised that goggles did actually exist already - but I bet that the person who did invent them (other than me) went through pretty much the same thought-process.

Hey I'm listening to the Beatles again! Recently my iPod did the miraculous thing and compress all the songs I had on it to about half the file size! So for ages I'd been squeezing about 1800 songs onto 16 GBs but then my PC had a spaz out and spent the better part of a day converting all the files to a smaller type - I've no doubt a boffin could explain this techno-sorcery, but I was afraid to ask one as I was fully engrossed in dancing round the PC naked with my rain-stick out. Anyway so I'm listening to the Beatles now as I had 'unticked' them so they weren't taking up iPod space that was being used by hotter, younger artists, but now there's room for them again so that's nice.

A few of my posts recently have been a bit like 'SOMEONE COMPLAINED MY BLOGS ARE TOO LONG SO I'M GOING TO STOP NOW' but not tonight! Tonight i'm going to carry on until I literally fall over! I've a great dream to tell you about, plus I want to ask your thoughts on what the best phrase to get tattooed onto one's penis would be? I think I would go with 'wash before use'  - though someone clever would obviously just say something like 'oh i could fit a whole sentence on mine, it's THAT LONG' - now I'm basically just having a conversation with myself so don't bother sending in your opinions.

I was thinking the other day, is it odd that whenever I think to myself 'I wonder what a conversation between two people I know would be like when I'm not in the room?' my first thought is, well they're probably talking about me, right?

They should make a television show where a bunch of teams get together, create a porno, then get judged by a bank of judges who are complete wankers (this time, quite literally!)...this idea would have to be put on tv quite late at night. And the contestants know that each of the judges are looking for different things, one is interested in the story behind why these people are having sex, another is looking at whether it portrays the lady (or ladies) in a positive light and another is looking for something that I haven't thought of yet. A friend of mine told me he was watching pornography the other day and he (or she) was surprised at how little face-time the guy gets, and wondered if this would affect his standing in the pornography-world - is it his face they're interested in or just his gentleman's area?
Another friend overheard and was like 'A friend of mine said she (just to mix it up a bit) was watching a porno the other day where the story is basically a lady with distractingly huge breasts and is wearing unsuitable clothing for that time of year calls a pest-control man round to deal with a duck in her garden, and for some reason they start getting intimate and throughout the whole thing you could hear the duck quacking in the garden'...that's what my friend said. yeah anyway the third judge would enjoy it all to be a bit tongue in cheek! Sometimes literally!

One thing I've noticed is some people (or it might just be one person and I'm trying not to point a really obvious finger) is people putting Facebook updates where it's like 'Just been to the....park(?) with my man' WITH MY MAN, I don't know why this bothers me so much, it's a bit like me (or someone equally cool) putting 'just banged ma bitch' except less obvious therefore you should be more offended as they're trying to make out you're stupid! Be angry! 
Basically what I'm trying to say if he's such a man why is he wearing his jeans around his ankles and taking moody selfies of himself in front of the mirror after getting his weird curly quiff just right?
Why do people take moody pictures of themselves anyway? it's weird! You look like Kanye West doing his impression of a grumpy toddler, except less ludicrously wealthy! And what about that picture I saw of someone taking a selfy with their dead grandma when she was in her coffin? Or people who dress up smart for a funeral and take a selfy? Wtf is wrong with these people? Or people who mourn someone publicly on Facebook? The person you're mourning isn't on Facebook! Why do you feel the need to air that kind of stuff on such an impersonal forum? Hey, my relative just died, better tell everyone I went to school with years ago!
The thought that people who die go to the afterlife and Facebook is there has depressed me. I often think maybe I should give up the social media and the fancy phone and all the phone bills/time it would save me. But then I leave my phone in the other room for 15 minutes and start twitching because I haven't checked the Twitter and there might be a funny update from 'Give Me Internet' or 'Simpsons Quote of the Day' which are two of the few reasons I do Twitter, it certainly isn't to keep up to date with anyone I actually know!

And I have run out of steam! In response to all the fan-mail I receive - No, you fuck off!

 Here's that picture!

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Swagger, Click-Bait and my Voice

So i was swaggeringalong the street just now and although i looked great i caused some congestion behind me as i was taking up a lot of pavement.  So i thought well anyone behind me is probably fighting the temptation not to join in the fun so wheres the issue?
Which leads me smoothly back to the issue of the phenomena of Facebook 'click-bait'. I don't understand the point of it I mean I saw just now a link that said how many squares are there? 99 percent of people get this wrong,  and it has a picture of some waffles to entice the bored to explore this incredible waste of time.  Obviously, i thought,  the answer is 'it doesnt matter'  because let's face it, it doesn't matter. I mean sure they dress it up behind some fascinating sociological study but reallydo we care? if someone came up to you in the street and presented you with this or with any of the othergarbage you see on these links you would frankly tell them where to go. they all reek of the sort of publications that are just desperate to catch your eye so you click on them and arebombarded with advertisements, hidden in the depths of which in concealed the paltry item that you never had a genuine interest in reading but only clicked on to alleviate the boredom whilst you wait for the pornography to load on the other tab... Or so i've read... 
I've only just discovered the voice recognition software on my tablet which really helps to counter the arse-ache that is using the touch pad keyboard on this blasted contraption. I just hope that my neighbour isn't being freaked out by the sound of me speaking very clearly and pronunciating in an over the top manner. 
since I have been informed that these posts are too long (although I think that says more about the attention spans of some of my readers) I will leave it at that! 
Ta ta! 

Sunday, 21 June 2015

I Reemed A Reem

Okay this post is being made through the magic of me pawing at the touch-screen of my tablet that came with my phone contract ad i dont want but received a flat 'no'  when i asked if i can have it taken off my contract at the store.
I have recently thought of some important questions -  such as when tgey toast a new ship by smasing a bottle of chapagne against it,  what happens to the glass?  Does it just fall into the sea?
If Susan Boyle and Joey Essex did a colaboration of some type could it be called 'I Reemed a Reem?' even if i cant help but think that sounds racist?
Is it bad of me to wish a fiery death to all motorists who fail to use their indicators? (obviously it isnt)

Also i've come by a load of mineral water and have upped my classiness factor by drinking it with a slice of lemon.  Impressed? I also went to an opera -  that has to count for something,  right!? I've been searching in vain for a tie rack but to no avail.

I went for an inpromptu run the other night down by the sea,  and didnt even get heckled by the gangs of youths hanging around in the shadows doing who-knows-what.  I was wearing my scandalously tight white union jack vest top to ward off bad luck so maybe that had something to do with it.

Damn this tablet,  it feels like i've written War & Peace already,  Oh for an actual keyboard! Plus the predictive text has the most retarded suggestions i've ever seen!

I'm off to bed now to read a bit of Catch-22, which is a very tough read.  I dont know if i'm enjoying it or it's just my stubborn refusal not to let a book beat me!

Saturday, 6 June 2015

That Wedding!

I'm being forced by circumstance to write this out using a pen and copying it out onto an electronic device, so I apologise for the dodgy handwriting!
I'm here to tell you about the wedding of my favorite sister, Lizi, to her husband (what a twist) Nic (without a 'k') It was either do this or spend money on an actual wedding gift!
Of course you're all anxious to hear exactly which dance moves in unearthed from the Boogie-Vault, and what I managed to steal in the clean-up operation in the morning - but first i must tell you basically what happened...
Firstly whilst talking and exchanging rings (or the jewellery variety, not phone-calls) there was much crying from both sides - I assume they were both feeling the kind of emotion I was feeling throughout Toy Story 3.
Speaking oh which, someone of fine taste chose the Gypsy Kings version of You've Got A Friend In Me, to dance to later in the evening so I had to crack out the fast footwork coupled with air-castanettes, that seemed to go down well, though the caretaker in the morning did have a moan about the scorch-marks I'd left on every inch of the dance-floor.
Luckily for the sake of my own ego I did get a big laugh from the bridesmaids (and those who were there but not bridesmaids) by shouting, over dinner (by which time I was heavily 'on it') "I think there's something wrong with this pork, as I seem to have contracted DANCE FEVER" but then five hours of intense dancing later I was still lighting up the dance-floor with fancy footwork, sassy shapes and amazing alliteration!
As my 'dish' I provided 275 fortune cookies that I bought on the cheap from Wing Yip, a fabulous Chinese supermarket in Croydon and despite my generous distribution I still have about 100 left to get rid of somehow! I have a friend at work who takes great delight in reading her fortune every day so September I should be rid them all! The only problem is she can't eat gluten so I have to eat all the cookies - lucky they're so morish!
I also collaborating with my fellow dancers to form a huge conga line which, under my strict supervision, was kept boy-girl-boy-girl which seemed to appease any conga-etiquette experts in the room!
Another thing I took away was that you should not ask anyone "so why were you not chosen as a bridesmaid?" and don't trust someone you've just met to swing you between their legs during a pretty ambitious impromptu dance routine!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Plan B: how to fix the country

Hark! Doth I hear the calls of the political parties rallying the plebs to vote for them to be in power once again? It must be an election coming up, where promises are created like eggs from a hen before being broken on the side of the saucepan of power and then fried over the heat of political pressure!

Now don't get me wrong, democracy is a cracking system, but like every system it's not without it's drawbacks. I mean what if we vote in someone who's a complete lunatic?

Also what's worrying is everyone I've talked to (at least two people) agree that the system we have is broken. Now we're not the kind of people to do something about what we know is broken - we can leave that to some White Knight do-gooder! But this First Past The Post system we operate (where whoever has the most votes wins, simple as that) has some huge flaws when we have multiple political parties! It leads to things such as tactical voting, which I think it nonsense as if you want a party to win you should vote for that party! If you only have two parties then FPTP is fine, but nowadays we have the two main parties, then Lib Dems who are the official bronzers, then a plethora of smaller parties. And the result is the voter-ship is split so many ways that even the winners only get around 30% of the entire vote, so whoever wins then more than half the population are going to say WELL I DIDN'T VOTE FOR YOU so they're always going to be unpopular!

I got chatting to a lovely girl on the train the other day, as I noticed she was reading a Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child - the one that's just come out. I was also reading one at the time and slyly slid into the seat opposite her, really un-subtle-ly reading my book. She noticed - of course she noticed! and we had a nice chat. I really regret not asking for her number but I hope I put in her mind the idea that i was some incredible socialite who would find her number if I wanted to - through my many channels. Anyway I saw it as a positive!

But the thing is, we're a country of around 60-70 million people, how can anyone, or any political party, possibly represent everyone happily? You have the mega-rich, who probably only care about building up palaces of gold and eating £50 notes whilst they shoot at beggars; then you have the young people who will not be able to pay off their student fees before they're in their 50s, or ever own a house because the rich are using all the houses to store their motorbikes/mistresses/gold. But you get the point, i hope!

I saw a quiz on Facebook the other day which was "Which Avenger are you?" - I don't need a quiz to tell me I'm not any of the Avengers. I mean these idiot-magnets are like What kind of shop would your spirit animal buy shoes in? I'm like I don't give a shit you were probably put together by someone who was turned down for a job by Apple and are now just a sad loser who splits his time scouting for talent in the Meals for one aisle of their local Lidl, and crying at the same state of their life in the privacy of their Mum's basement!

Back to less important matters...

So now the Conservatives have gotten back into power and have quickly began whipping us as we carry them round on their thrones - metaphorically speaking. If this was a film, or epic tale written in song, our government would be portrayed as some sneering, slimy creature (think Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings but even slimier, as if he's just woken up in the Matrix! #topical) - but where is our bold hero (or heroine - tis the 21st century after all)? Where is the person who can lead us away from the corrupt Gringot's Goblins furiously masturbating over their piles of money and getting our disabled, elderly and poor to wipe it up afterwards! Jabba the Hutt would say 'woah, steady on there Dave!", in Huttese of course.

I hope I've painted a vivid picture of despair and misery in your minds, dear reader. But I also hope that you'll pay heed to my next idea, that I came up with a couple of days ago!

We - the British - are a pretty miserable bunch, as a nation. We may call Americans simple, fat and stupid, but at least they have national pride, as well as an optimism and sense of hope that we are desperately lacking! Every time an election of any sort rears it's ugly head we just shuffle into the cold metal booths and reluctantly scrawl a cross on whoever we think will fuck things up the least!
Our society is fed sad stories and warnings from a fear-mongering media who will do whatever it takes to sell their voices!
Our weather is shit 99% of the year, and awful the other 1%.
Our rich elite are corrupt Etonians who have never wanted for anything, yet through the media (owned by them or their school-chums) churn out biased drivel to turn our ire towards the most vulnerable in our communities - people such as immigrants, disabled and elderly; become the skapegoats for the problems lurking throughout our country.

However all is not lost! You might be afraid to leave your house, or let your children out of your sight because you read an article 'How to spot a paedophile, 5 easy steps', but all we need to do to fix our community is become the heroes and heroines our nation is short of!
It's quite an unusual thing these days to say Good Morning! to a stranger as you walk along the road - I mean okay they might be a murderer, but we've just been raised in a country that celebrates its introvert-ish nature and we should get our there and play in the sun with the other countries!
Stop letting the rich drive us apart with their weird, slightly un-human smiles, and instead pull together and we can make this into a country we're proud to live in - like what the strong nationalist parties say, except without the inherent racism!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Lots of problems - pay extra for the solutions.

I was manly enough to brave going in the sea this weekend, and someone shouted 'hairy-back!' at me and it was a bit off-putting. I never saw this comic genius as he was up on the street while I was down on the beach and looking the other way. But hopefully this modern-day Oscar Wilde ran away after delivering his comic gold and got hit by a bus.

Also there's been this picture of this blonde moron laying next to a dead giraffe she heroically managed to kill using only her bare hands...which were able to operate the rifle she used to shoot it, probably from a safe distance. Look at the picture to the left, look how big the foot of this animal was! I wonder what kind of high-powered rifle it was wielding.
In the same month as the extinction of the Black Rhino was officially announced - I think it's sad that some people feel it's a worthwhile venture to travel to Africa (or anywhere else where hunting takes place) and go out, shoot an animal that's done nothing to them, the pose next to it like some mawkish corpse-fetishist. It's sport, apparently!
I also saw a 'news item' where a veteran hunter had been killed by - I think - a water buffalo and this was a very sad thing that attracted a lot of sympathy and attention from other hunters. But there was a happy ending, as this hunter's 'apprentice' did manage to kill the buffalo afterwards, before it could pose for a photo! Now that's just not cricket! (Literally! It literally isn't)
This idiot anyway who killed the giraffe said she did it out of kindness and it was an old male giraffe that had been ousted from his group by a younger giraffe. She claims that she was doing it a kindness - but actually I think it's far more likely she was just doing it for the kick of murdering animals that she gets. She also said that the meat from the giraffe went on to feed a nearby village. Wouldn't it be great if instead of having to rely on these beautiful exotic animals for the food they need to simply get by, these poor African villagers could be supplied by food from the rich Western countries where a huge percentage of Earth's food is eaten? If only that were a possibility!

On another hunting note - fox hunting in Britain! The rich country folk say it's in their human rights to be able to dress up in funny clothing, get together in a gang on horseback, get a big group of hounds, all to spend the day chasing a fox or two around the countryside? Why did our beloved government of the time not turn around and say, of their claim, 'no, that it complete bullshit, it is not in your human right to have a fox-killing toff-fest just to satisfy your twisted desire to stamp on something lower down than you, now that you're not allowed to beat your servants anymore'. It's not like people who live in towns and cities fight for their right to drive a flock of cats after a pigeon that's shat on their car! I mean look at this picture! It only takes this many rich people, horses and dogs to catch a single fox!

I had a radical thought the other day, what if there was an entire country that saw it's purpose as making the lives of all it's citizens as high quality as possible, rather than what most governments around the world seem to do which is just try to make as much money as possible. The person I shared this with said 'You're just describing Nirvana!' I assume he didn't mean the band.

Sunday, 29 March 2015


I was on my twitter (@JackSummers1990) yesterday, on-the-line, whilst watching The Two Towers extended edition and basically slating Frodo and his damned annoying ways the whole way through, and I did this so much that a twitter user called @LOTR followed me! I felt so popular. Apparently in the books, which are based on the films, Frodo isn't as weedy and pathetic as he is portrayed in the films. Also don't start on me, bruv, saying "Oh it's because he's being influenced by the Ring!" Because in the awesome battle sequence at the beginning of the Fellowship where they're all fighting Sauron, you dont see the dark lord tenderly stroking the ring the whole time whilst staring off into middle distance and being lairy to Samwise.
Ah, Samwise, there does come a point when you stop being a good friend and in the end you're just a mug. Humour me, dear reader, by watching the LOTR films and picturing all of you as Sam. Drink when you'd have stopped putting up with Frodo's shit.

Two possible spin-offs from LOTR became apparent to me whilst watching. Firstly, if Jeremy Kyle can have a low-rent show giving life advice to 'people', then why not Lord Elrond? All he does in The Two Towers is tell his daughter how it is! The other idea I had was when watching Treebeard boss his way about the forest, it reminded me of the scenes I watched in Steven Fry in America, the segment about Bigfoot. Now am I right or am I right in thinking that a documentary where Treebeard and the ents try to locate Bigfoot whilst hiding from the park rangers would be great viewing?

Recently my trustworthy headphones broke in one ear, which is always very annoying when it happens. Notice I say 'when', not if. That's because headphones are built to break, I am sure of it! One Christmas I got about four pairs of headphones and had got through all of them in a couple of months! And that's not because I'm not careful with them, I use them only for the purpose for which they were intended! JEEZ but anyway back to the anecdote, I was in town at the time so luckily I was able to just go to HMV and buy some new ones. Now I've never owned big over-the-ear headphones before and I am trying to try new things! Like only this morning I was in a coffee shop un-ironically! Anyway so I bought some over-ear headphones and was instantly mistaken for a music student! I was tempted to drop it like's it hot right there in the shop and play some phat rhymes, but for reasons we won't get into I didn't.
Anyway this tale has a sad ending (and a pretty sad beginning and middle too, if I'm honest!) I've found them not at all to my liking as it means that whenever I take them out I have to take a man-bag with me to keep them in when I reach my destination! I'm very much used to just wrapping them round my iPod and tucking them in my pocket, but now i might as well have gone back to the 70s and be rollerskating round town with a boombox on my shoulder! Seriously, guys and dolls of music studies, what makes you do this?! They take up so much more space than is necessary! If you're not taking this question rhetorically, then note that I only take answers in music-video form with a very emotional and deep message.

Which leads me right onto the sad news about One Direction. And the wackjobs that have applied for paid leave on compassion grounds (I cant remember what the technical term is and I'm too much in the flow to stop and research it). I mean I get that a bunch of pre-pubescent teenage girls will no-doubt be very upset that a really talented and original band have lost one of their star members, but on the other hand wasn't he engaged to that bitch Perrie who you're all going to murder with bleach and fire, or something?

Apparently my last posting was 'too wordy' for some of my stupider readers, so if you've made it all the way to the end, well done.