I'm having one of those nights where I can't sleep - it might have happened to you before so prepare to relate!
Despite brushing my teeth, my mouth still feels like I have yesterday evening's pizza stewing in it and I've drank a pint of water (with lemon and ice in it, #stayclassy) but it's done nothing to help. Anyway now it's 5:30ish and I thought oh well might as well ride this out and get an early night tonight! In the meantime I hope you can read this over breakfast (or for those of you who don't eat breakfast because it makes you feel sick to eat in the morning (even though it's the most important meal of the day) I hope you can read this whilst probably necking coffee and doing whatever you do in the morning) and hope it has a positive effect on your day.
Like me, you're probably thinking that whenever you can't sleep, the first thing that comes to sleep is the scene in Shrek 2 where he's in bed and can't sleep - it's a quality film if you've not seen it I'd ask what you've been doing with your life up until now? For those who have seen it, you're no doubt thinking back fondly on all the topkek moments and smiling to yourself, maybe giving an appreciative nod to yourself over your Cheerios too.
Cheerios are fairly vanilla for a breakfast cereal. Not that I've got anything against vanilla, really. If you get a good vanilla ice cream it's the bee's knees but generally when people say vanilla they mean to say it's pretty beige (which is never exciting). I prefer my breakfast cereal loaded with sugar, which some people might say is bad for me but it's better than eating stuff like Cheerios, Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes and sitting there wondering where it all went wrong?
Okay so I don't mind sharing with you all (all 2 or 3 of you who will still be reading at this point, but fair point the dissing of Corn Flakes was pretty controversial, though frankly if you're going to make an issue of it then you're uninvited from reading on - go on, get out!)....so i don't mind telling you I had a dream of a sexual nature about someone I know, recently. Whereas the proper reaction upon waking from a sex dream is either "That was a nice dream", or in my case just to hug myself and feel the foreveraloneliness, I think it's a sign of me getting older than in this dream the sex part lasted only for the very start of the dream and then it went on to her coming up to me afterwards and telling me she was pregnant, then me worrying about having to get a better job and worrying about money. It went from awesome sex dream to terrible anxiety nightmare in the space of a few minutes!
I don't know if I was just experiencing Monday Morning Blues yesterday but I felt the compunction to just leave my 9-5 desk-job and get an easy evening job to tide me over and in the meantime spend my days doing creative things and trying to find a passion for something! I mean I love to create things but I feel whilst working full-time I have no time to explore what I could be missing out on - for instance every day I drive past (or get stuck for ages behind) some people out cycling first thing in the morning, and I'd love to be able to just be able to get up and go out and enjoy the day!
Have a good day!
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