Here's a run-down of what I've been up to since November, minus anything I haven't put.
I drank a beer.
I am still trying to work out if Twitter is the most pointless thing in my day. I basically just have it for Simpsons Quote of the Day. I mean I follow Trump but it's not even as amusing as the media makes out! It's basically just him saying how great everything is going, with millions of replies that end up making me hate the humans.
I got asked why I am angry at British politics. Keep reading to find out - or read many of my past blogs.
I watched 50 Shades of Grey. I had the same sort of reaction to this 'romance' storyline as I did when I was watching the whole Twilight storything, as in there's not a lot of action in this. Apart from when he 'fucks hard' of course. Trolls was much better.
I still have not downloaded an update for Quicktime. And I never will, I dont even know what it is.
What other shocking things would you like to hear about?
Well I have not done one of these blog posts since November 2016 so perhaps some stuff has changed since then, not much for the better but I mean at least I don't have to see the news coming from the White House from anywhere in America, I mean I will be when Theresa May sells the rights of British citizens to Trump in exchange for a handjob and 5 minutes of sucking on his quiff behind the bicycle sheds in her desperate bid to be friends with that maniac. I was asked a while ago if I had a gun with one bullet and was in a room with both of them, what would you do. I replied that I'd shoot Trump because May looked easier to beat to death with the gun but. But of course I missed the obvious answer of making them stand in a row - god knows even a low-calibre bullet would go through the yawning chasm between Trump's ears and straight into the poisonous meat of May's brain, where it would no doubt melt in her acid blood. I guess you could lure Trump into position by drawing a fanny on one of the walls or something.
I've listened to some Townes Van Zandt lately. He was an American country musician but he's dead now. It's some good stuff. But you can't beat 'Zat You Santa Claus' by Louis Armstrong, whatever the time of year! the Bare Necessities is also a tune, I like to listen to it while I scratch against trees.
I'm doing a charity 26-mile hike in June. Please give money or I will regret it more than I already do. - there is a link, please use it
So I binge-watched all of House, and I see what people say that all the episodes are basically same and yeah, a lot of them basically are! But the bigger problem I saw, especially in the latter series' is that he's basically an addict for a puzzle - and they just take it so mentally far. I'm surprised they didn't end it with a patient who was being uncooperative for some obscure reason, or who had a family who wanted to be as big a pain in the arse as possible, would only tell House what he needed to save their ungrateful life if he cut his own head off first - for reasons! and he'd bloody do it and all, just to show he was addicted to puzzles!
I mean overall I did enjoy it though!
Despite my clear reasoning about why pets are essentially slaves that don't do any work in my last blog (shameless self-plugging - make sure you read LET THY WORDS BE FURIOUS - great free advertisement, actually I don't really care if you read this, as I've said I only started this blog to take the piss out of my friend's blog about feelings and I don't get paid so read it or wipe ur arse on it...I mean that would be a bit of an own goal as you'd have to clean ur tablet, phone or computer monitor afterwards but yeah I just get a high off viewing figures, and before you think that might be an innuendo, it could work as one I guess!) anyway so yeah I was talking about pets and some people have said YOU'RE WRONG, MY CAT LOVES ME!!!!
They don't. You're in denial.