Because these days, with social media and the like, it is all too easy to get your message up to the fawning masses, and this isn't always a good thing. I mean, nearly everything is dressed up as fact but who knows what's really going on in the world? especially if like me you spend most of your life huddled in front of a screen gawping at whatever nonsense you're reading. Everyone who writes will try to draw you in, and nearly everyone has some agenda or angle they want to share with you. After all, where is the fun in simply writing out the bullet pointed facts of a story and letting people make up their minds about how to interpret it?
So anyway starting this week I'm planning on starting to purchase actual real-life newspapers and learning about what is genuinely going on in the world. Only which to buy? I've heard some are owned by Satan himself and others are loony lefties, who can give me a clear, unbiased view? The truth is that you can't. Or is that the truth just according to me? Probably! So all you can is filter out the rhetoric and the politicking, try to work out what actually happened and make up your own decision.
But anyway the thing to take away from this segment is that I'm going to try and make myself more aware and I'll pass the savings onto you!
On the subject of politics, here are some of my opinions: I believe that you will only ever get into a position of political power is if you are really rich, or a member of a political party, or preferably both! Think about it, a democracy is supposedly where everyone gets around in a nice circle and votes for who they want to be in charge. Everyone had an equal chance of getting in, provided they could convince the majority they were the best man or woman for the job. And i'm sure that worked fine in ancient Greece etc (come to think of it I'm sure they had their own problems but I just don't know anything about them) but nowadays we take that formula and add money! Pounds, dollah dollahs, euros, you get the picture! These days you either need a fortune to stand a chance of being elected or you need to join one of the main political parties where you have to tow the line and follow the rules of the party so are pretty restricted on what you can do if the party bosses don't like it! But in a country as big as any modern-day civilisation how can any one person possibly represent the wants and needs of 100,000 people? Plus in the broken voting system we so stubbornly cling to, in most circumstances the person representing every one of the constituents was not even the first pick of half of them! So how can he/she/it possibly represent them? Throw into that equation the fact that a lot of MPs are wealthy, self-serving cockends who are just as likely to make a big mistake as any idiot, only the average poor idiot isn't balancing 100,000 people's wellbeing on their narrow shoulders! Also take into account a lot of politicians have been trained from birth to be as out-of-touch as possible and also seem to be ingrained with the belief that their job is about making money and not giving a shit about the needs of people such as the poor/needy/foreigners. It's time we recognised that the system is broken and tore it down, corrupt fat-cats and all. Who had the great idea to put the rich on top and let them choose when they descended from their thrones to fly away in gold-plated jets paid for by the plebs?