In the same month as the extinction of the Black Rhino was officially announced - I think it's sad that some people feel it's a worthwhile venture to travel to Africa (or anywhere else where hunting takes place) and go out, shoot an animal that's done nothing to them, the pose next to it like some mawkish corpse-fetishist. It's sport, apparently!
I also saw a 'news item' where a veteran hunter had been killed by - I think - a water buffalo and this was a very sad thing that attracted a lot of sympathy and attention from other hunters. But there was a happy ending, as this hunter's 'apprentice' did manage to kill the buffalo afterwards, before it could pose for a photo! Now that's just not cricket! (Literally! It literally isn't)
This idiot anyway who killed the giraffe said she did it out of kindness and it was an old male giraffe that had been ousted from his group by a younger giraffe. She claims that she was doing it a kindness - but actually I think it's far more likely she was just doing it for the kick of murdering animals that she gets. She also said that the meat from the giraffe went on to feed a nearby village. Wouldn't it be great if instead of having to rely on these beautiful exotic animals for the food they need to simply get by, these poor African villagers could be supplied by food from the rich Western countries where a huge percentage of Earth's food is eaten? If only that were a possibility!
On another hunting note - fox hunting in Britain! The rich country folk say it's in their human rights to be able to dress up in funny clothing, get together in a gang on horseback, get a big group of hounds, all to spend the day chasing a fox or two around the countryside? Why did our beloved government of the time not turn around and say, of their claim, 'no, that it complete bullshit, it is not in your human right to have a fox-killing toff-fest just to satisfy your twisted desire to stamp on something lower down than you, now that you're not allowed to beat your servants anymore'. It's not like people who live in towns and cities fight for their right to drive a flock of cats after a pigeon that's shat on their car! I mean look at this picture! It only takes this many rich people, horses and dogs to catch a single fox!
I had a radical thought the other day, what if there was an entire country that saw it's purpose as making the lives of all it's citizens as high quality as possible, rather than what most governments around the world seem to do which is just try to make as much money as possible. The person I shared this with said 'You're just describing Nirvana!' I assume he didn't mean the band.